Dear Bushwalkers,
My name is Steve Caslick
I work for the Public Service Association of NSW which is the union that
represents a large number of staff who work for National Parks and Wildlife
Service of NSW. Not only do I represent those staff I am also a
regular backpacker in National Parks and bushwalker with my wife and 3 children.
I am sure you have heard of the 2012 decision of the State Government to
allow recreational hunting to occur in 79 National Parks, and reserves in
A number of these National Parks
including Myall Lakes, Barrington Tops, Morton, South East Forest and Kosciusko
have been designated for Zone C hunting. Meaning amateur hunters in these areas
will be completely unsupervised and may in fact be hunting in the same area as
your members who are simply experiencing our NSW National Parks. I think you
will agree that bullets and bushwalkers are not a good combination as the tragic
fatal accidents overseas have shown.
For a number of reasons, including an investigation into the
Game Council of NSW, the organisation that will licence and implement the
hunting program, the commencement date is in flux. However it may start as early
as 2 months time.
As a means of protest I have written a petition with the aim
of reversing the decision to allowing amateur hunting in National Parks. The
responses go directly to Premier O'Farrell and the Minister for the Environment
Robyn Parker.
If you are in agreement can you please distribute the
petition link below to all or your affiliates and members encouraging them to
sign and distribute the petition to friends and family?
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